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In yet another example of Clinton arrogance and hatred for the country they are attempting to conquer through election, Bill Clinton called all Trump voters and supporters “rednecks”.

This latest round of insults, seen in the video below, compared Trump’s base to “your standard redneck.” “The other guy’s base is what I grew up in,” Bill told a crowd. “You know,basically your standard redneck.”

Mr. Wannabe-First Husband, I know rednecks and you sir are no redneck. Earlier this election Hillary had called Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables” who are “irredeemable” and only two days ago, emails surfaced which showed Hillary claiming she “hates everyday Americans”.

If voting against Bill and Hillary makes me a deplorable, irredeemable redneck I will happily wear the label and I encourage you to do the same – the choice is as simple as slavery or freedom.



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