Big media has completely ignored an important study by prestigious Johns Hopkins University that found that the widespread COVID lockdowns forced on us all did absolutely nothing to halt the spread of the virus.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins recently released a study showing that COVID-19 lockdown policies “have had little to no public health effects” but did instead imposed “enormous economic and social costs.”
Despite these important findings, neither CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, nor the Washington Post have reported on the research.
Per Fox News:
However, the Johns Hopkins study received no mention on any of the five liberal networks this week. According to Grabien transcripts, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the anti-lockdown findings after having spent much of the pandemic shaming red states with minimal restrictions and events deemed by critics as “superspreaders.”
It wasn’t just the networks avoiding the study. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, Axios, Politico among other outlets also turned a blind eye to the findings, according to search results.
The researchers found some shocking results.
“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” wrote the study’s authors, Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, and Steve H. Hanke.
But even worse, the authors found that the lockdowns had “devastating effects” on the economic and social well-being of the American public.
The “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument,” they said
“They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy,” the report added.
Once again, we see that these lockdowns were more about controlling us all than about anyone’s health.
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Tags: Commentary coronavirus COVID Economy Lockdowns media bias
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