Biden’s new Title IX school rules requires the nation’s public schools teachers to keep the transgenderism of school kids a secret from parents.
The Title IX rules make it clear that Biden and his anti-American cohorts are looking to take control of your children and continue to expose them to inappropriate, sexual indoctrination.
Biden has now taken grooming to the highest level possible.
Per the New York Post:
Title IX is a simple statute that outlaws “sex discrimination” in education. It says nothing about “gender” or “gender identity.” But the Biden administration wants to put its own spin on the law and redefine “sex” to include these categories.
This change has far-reaching implications. One is that it will be used to keep parents in the dark on everything from curricular material to the fact that a child is socially transitioning at school.
Because this new Title IX frames gender ideology as an anti-discrimination issue, schools won’t have to seek parental permission for children to participate in lessons on choosing and changing one’s sex. Indeed, schools will very likely use Title IX’s anti-discrimination mandate to justify denying parental opt-outs from these controversial lessons.
The rules will also grant children an absolute right to use school facilities and participate in activities “consistent with their gender identity,” regardless of whether their parents agree or are even aware of said identity.
This is what the left is doing to your children, America. They want them to be raped, corrupted, and turned onto sexual zombies in thrall to leftism.
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