In a story that the media is ignoring, Biden’s Census Dept. “accidentally” overcounted a bunch of states, and under counted others. Over counting, of course, gives states more political power than they deserve. Guess which party the overcounted states support?
Yeah, the Democrats. Not surprising, eh?
When the Census arrives at the number of citizens living in a state, that number goes to their representation in Congress. The more citizens a state has, the bigger their influence in Washington D.C.
Look at the states that got “accidentally” overcounted:
- Hawaii
- Delaware
- Rhode Island
- Minnesota
- New York
- Massachusetts
Gee, uh, what party infests those states, do ya think? Sort of blue?
Here are the states they undercounted:
- Texas
- Illinois
- Florida
- Mississippi
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
Aside from Illinois, what party do these states favor? Sort of Red, huh?
What a co-inkie-dink that a department run by deep state operatives with a report put out during the tenure of one of the worst, most left-wing presidents in history, “accidentally” overcounts blue states to give them more political power?
Total coincidence, of course.
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Tags: Census Commentary Joe Biden
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