Joe Biden is once again trying a backdoor way of legalizing illegal aliens without congressional authorization.
This time his Department of Democrat Security… I mean Homeland Security… is floating a rule that would hand legal status to 600,000 children of illegals. The rule would formalize an Obama rule and turn it onto a formal federal regulation.
The regulation would prevent deportations and grant official work permits to those who were brought here illegally as children.
Per CBS News:
Congress has long been unable to reach any kind of immigration deal that would garner enough bipartisan support to pass the Senate. Last year, the Senate parliamentarian rejected multiple efforts by Democrats to include immigration changes in their party-line social spending bill. And Republican leaders have expressed little interest in Democrats’ attempts at overhauling immigration policy.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who has long pushed for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, was quick to applaud the Department of Homeland Security’s issuing the rule. He noted that it provides “some stability to DACA recipients and make[s] it more difficult for a future administration to rescind DACA, which is a lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion.”
The new rule would only apply to DACA renewals, but Democrats want to expand it to just cover anyone, DACA awardee or not.
This is all unconstitutional, of course. A federal agency can’t just decide that people who broke our immigration laws are suddenly citizens — or given legal status — by fiat.
But Biden knows this. He just doesn’t care.
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