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Joe Biden has been wandering around the country for the last few months lying with the claim that he has somehow fixed the economy. But you sure can’t tell that from how much more you are stuck paying for your Independence Day food budget.

With the Independence Day holiday nearly upon us, Americans are beginning to head to their local grocery stores to stock up on hamburgers, beer, hotdogs, and chips. But, despite Biden’s claim that he was fixed the economy, Americans are being forced to pay far more for their supplies than ever.

Last year, Biden’s economy cost Americans an additional 17 percent for their cookout supplies.

The American Farm Bureau Federation marketbasket survey says that your cookout will cost “significantly” more than two years ago, though some prices have fallen slightly from record highs in 2022. This year, families will pay $67.73 in costs.

The $67.73 grocery bill is down 3% from 2022, but still approximately 14% higher than prices were just two years ago. Last year set a record high since AFBF began the survey in 2013, and 2023 comes in as the second-highest cost. The cookout favorites include cheeseburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, homemade potato salad, strawberries and ice cream, among other products.

“The slight downward direction in the cost of a cookout doesn’t counter the dramatic increases we’ve seen over the past few years. Families are still feeling the pinch of high inflation along with other factors keeping prices high,” said AFBF Chief Economist Roger Cryan. “Don’t assume farmers come out as winners from higher prices at the grocery store either. They’re price takers, not price makers, whose share of the retail food dollar is just 14%. Farmers have to pay for fuel, fertilizer and other expenses, which have all gone up in cost.”

The marketbasket survey shows a year-to-year increase in the cost of hamburger buns, beef and potato salad, while there are drops in the cost of chicken breasts, lemonade and cookies.

The retail price for a package of eight hamburger buns increased 17% to $2.26. Homemade potato salad will cost $3.44, up 5% from 2022. The cost of 2 pounds of ground beef rose 4% to $11.54.

The farm bureau adds:

  • 2 pounds of ground beef, $11.54 (+4%)
  • 2 pounds of chicken breasts, $8.14 (-9%)
  • 3 pounds of pork chops, $14.37 (-6%)
  • 1 pound of cheese, $3.53 (no change)
  • 1 package of hamburger buns, $2.26 (+17%)
  • 2 ½ pounds of homemade potato salad, $3.44 (+5%)
  • 32 ounces of pork and beans, $2.44 (-3%)
  • 16-ounce bag of potato chips, $4.53 (-4%)
  • 13-ounce package of chocolate chip cookies, $3.90 (-10%)
  • ½ gallon of ice cream, $5.29 (+3%)
  • 2 pints of strawberries, $4.56 (+3%)
  • 2 ½ quarts of lemonade, $3.73 (-16%)

Meanwhile, Fox News fact-checked Joe Biden’s lies about the economy:

  • U.S. consumer prices from January 21 to May 23 – up 15%
  • May inflation year over year – up 4.0%
  • Total credit card debt in Q1 2023 was $986B – up 28% under Biden
  • Existing home sales from January 2021 to May 2023 – down 34%
  • New home sales from January 2021 to May 2023 – down 15%
  • Average hourly earnings rom January 2021 to May 2023 – down 3.1%
  • Americans living paycheck to paycheck in May 2023 – 57%

Biden is the worst wrecking ball that has ever sat in the White House.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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