Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, Joe Biden’s approval ratings are now officially the lowest in presidential history.
What happened to the Democrat claim that Biden was the “most popular president ever”?
According to
Issues & Insights, Biden is now the worst in history.
On day 487 in office, President Joe Biden set a new record. He has the lowest approval rating of all presidents at this point in their presidencies since Gallup started tracking this in 1945.
According to Gallup’s Presidential Job Approval Center, just 41% approve of the job Biden is doing. That’s worse than Gerald Ford, or Lyndon Johnson, or even Jimmy Carter on day 487. Much worse than Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama.
To add insult to his injury, Biden’s approval rating is now lower than Trump’s was at this point in Trump’s first term.
Per Gallup, which is no conservative pollster, the records stand at:
- Eisenhower: 63%
- Kennedy: 71%
- Nixon: 59%
- Carter: 43%
- Reagan: 45%
- Bush: 65%
- Clinton: 51%
- Bush: 76%
- Obama: 48%
- Trump: 42%
- Biden: 41%
He’s wrong about most things, but Barack Obama sure had it right when he said, “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
Biden will go lower, too. You’ll see.
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Tags: Approval Ratings Commentary Election Joe Biden
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