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Editorial credit: a katz /

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her friends are apparently putting together a “blacklist” of Democrats they don’t like, or who aren’t getting on board with her plans fast enough.

The list may be new, but it’s something that has been happening since she was elected to office. Any Democrat not embracing full-socialism as soon as they are asked is labeled impure and mocked as a heretic.

But not everyone is cool with AOC and her gang’s mentality.

Former President, Barack Obama, called her out while speaking to progressives in Ireland earlier this week.

“One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States, maybe it’s true here as well, is a certain kind of rigidity where we say ‘Uh! I’m sorry this is how it’s going to be. Then we start sometimes creating what’s called a circular firing squad where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues. When that happens, typically, the overall effort and movement weakens. So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer…you have to recognize that the way we’ve structured democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you. And that, by definition, means you are not going to get 100 percent of what you want.”

Obviously, he doesn’t call Ocasio-Cortez out by name, but his point is well made.

Back on the American mainland, AOC was being showered by praise at an Al Sharpton created event… except for when the speakers were calling her “financially illiterate!”

During a panel discussion the “president and chief investment officer of Advent Capital Management, Tracy Maitland, labeled the freshman socialist representative as ‘financially illiterate.'”

Maitland later told The New York Post:

“This was a disgrace. I partially blame AOC for the loss of Amazon. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. That’s scary. We have to make sure she’s better educated or vote her out of office.”

Maitland said the misimpression created by Ocasio-Cortez and other Amazon critics was that the state and city were giving the company a blank $3 billion check.

The reality, he said, is that Amazon was only getting tax credits based on the number of jobs created. Amazon and New York officials estimated a new headquarters in Queens would generate up $30 billion in tax revenues as well as 25,000 jobs.

City University New York (CUNY) chairman Bill Thompson agreed with Maitland and highlighted the loss of potential jobs for minority students.

Another panelist, CUNY chairman Bill Thompson, said that job opportunities were “snatched away” from the predominately black and Latino students of the City University.

“We were at the table talking to Amazon on how students could get jobs … those opportunities were snatched away,” said Thompson, the former city comptroller.

AOC may be building a blacklist, but if the voters in her district are paying attention… she’s the one who should be worried about getting blacklisted.

iPatriot Contributers


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