Rush Limbaugh laughs at Democrats pinning their hopes for their future on Georgia District 6 to declare the Trump presidency defunct.
Rush Limbaugh:
The truth of the matter is, ladies and gentlemen, the radicalized left is the group that has an allegiance only to its ideology and is not concerned with facts at all. They make them up if they need to to support their lone authority, which is anything but the Constitution. Now, they will use the Constitution when they are in power. When they are out of power, they will ignore it, and they will delegitimize whatever part of the Constitution they need to delegitimize the opponents.
That’s who the American left is, and it’s identical to what happens in Sharia Islam to the nonbelievers and the infidels. We’re not up against people who are fellow adherents to the Constitution who have a differing point of view with whom we might want to debate and try to find some common ground, because that is not the least bit of interest to them. And this is why I am over it, I’m fed up with Republicans who want to cross the aisle and find some common ground and show that we can work together so that Washington can be shown to work. It’s all BS.
The left was for the total sacrosanct authority of the Senate when it held the majority. Now the Senate is outmoded when the Republicans took over. It was all for Obama defying the orders of federal judges no matter how well grounded in existing law, and it is for federal judges overriding anything Trump does. When they have the presidency and they have total authority, whatever the courts do is perfectly fine. When they lose the presidency and do not have the authority and refuse to accept it, then the federal judiciary must come in and deny that authority that is the president resulting from the authority of the election as defined by the Constitution. The election itself is not respected.
So you see how this works. There’s no way to compromise with this. There’s no way to accommodate it. There’s no way to even tolerate it. They are not tolerant. They’re the exact opposite of what they claim to be. These are the people that do not tolerate a single thing that is not something in which they have authority.
Rush quote from Daniel Greenfield: “There is no form of legal authority that the left accepts as a permanent institution,” including the Constitution. Mr. Greenfield calls what is happening on the left today treason. “After losing Congress, the left consolidated its authority in the White House. After losing the White House, the left shifted its center of authority to Federal judges and unelected government officials.” The deep state. “Each defeat led the radicalized Democrats to relocate from more democratic to less democratic institutions.”
Congratulations to Pajama boy for his “Victory for the Ages”
Explaining the anti-Trump resistance movement to destroy the Constitution
[Author’s Note: I am gratified and elated at the content and quality of the speeches like Rush Limbaugh and writings of people like Daniel Greenfield who put today’s political facts and climate in perfect perspective. Many of us feel like we are alone in seeing how the country is being torn apart by the Left, but that is only because that is how the media makes us feel, and they do that deliberately. Their entire agenda is to push their fascist totalitarian agenda by making it appear as if the entire nation is against Trump and making America great again, by making it appear that Americans want to be slaves of the state.
I just finished my taxes for this year finding they have more than doubled in the last four years. It is no wonder that Obama’s tax plan has Washington taking in record revenues even during The Great Obama Depression that he has orchestrated. Middle class paying high taxes, a poor economy, foreign invaders who want to destroy us, and a renewed Jihad is Obama’s legacy. Thanks, Obama! And thank you to all the leftwing, liberal, commie, Islamo-Nazi, fascist, anti-Christian America haters who love Satan over God!
My heartfelt thanks to Rush and Daniel for being great voices of the Moral Majority and saying through the national media what I have been seeing and saying for years and writing about on my small platform. Thanks to people like Rush the Moral Majority is Silent no more! America has been corrupted for a century and needs a true revival to get her back on track from all the anti-Christian leftist depravity that has perverted her culture.]
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