When the world has evidence. When you choose the enemy over your own intel community. when timing seemed perfect for a win, and when the social networks exploded with the enemy’s people to lie and support you, you and they both attack Americans and cause distrust among Americans so you can gain the upper edge. You may want to stay calm, ask for the intel community to get the facts, and to remove all the perpetrators. You do not do just the opposite and try to convince Patriotic Americans you are right and they are wrong.
From videos of sexual endeavors of the wettest kind to handshakes, money exchanges, and power vacuums, it is easy to see why the “Donald” has much to scream loudly about when it comes to the World’s greatest spy agencies, from The U.S. to Britain, and beyond, the reports are coming in fast. The tabloids with offers of thousands for videos of Trump are being bombarded with authentic videos of creepy sexual fantasies being played out by Trump in foreign countries, and Russian Prostitutes discussing size and scope of Donald’s manhood. No one with a clear vision, a mind of a middle-schooler, and the street smarts of a novice could possibly ever believe Donald Trump again.
Yes, America, Donald Trump has opened pandora’s box and is going absolutely insane that the information is piling up faster than he and his team can deny the facts. IT is time for America to stop Donald Trump from becoming the next legal President, for he is in no way the legitimate President, from the primaries to today. America needs a better option and a better avenue than the Prague!!!
Tags: America Donald Trump
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