Choose your current poison America. We have more and more leaks of Hillary, and we have more and more women coming forward with scandalous episodes of sexual abuse and advantage taking.
Where does America stand, well numbers are falling, people are questioning and the piles of evidence are rising considerably. The latest leak follows the release of around 9,000 emails via the WikiLeaks website, including messages highlighting Hillary’s email scandal, Wall Street connections, and handling ‘backroom deals’. So we discover there are wall street deals being made, and backroom agreements of tit for tat. we can go back to 2013 and see Clinton admitted that the largest share of donations to the Clinton Foundation came from abroad and that the new DNC chair leaked Bernie Sanders’ campaign strategy plans to the Clinton campaign.
We have suspected for years that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Clinton foundation and their wide scope of friends created false numbers and votes for elections, but now those are being pushed to the forefront, giving credence to the rumor mill, and giving a wide birth to the opposition to be aware and ready for such actions during the general election. American’s cannot trust any final tallies that put Hillary in the lead and will question every vote in every precinct, which would have been Advisable for Mitt Romney to do in 2012 since the evidence was clear there were enough issues of voter fraud, dead people voting, and other disparagingly dubious deeds.
While Hillary is busy trying to run from the emails and Bill’s illicit affairs, Donald has his own case of upcoming after it was publicly aired about how he stated he would sexually assault woman, and they would love it because he was one of the rare breeds of men that had the ummpdf….From 13-year-olds in 1993 to Ivana, his ex-wife to more than one beauty pageant queens to a CNN reporter and other private individuals.
Donald Trump is a textbook Abuser, and it seems like everyone knows this. Humiliation, control, and abuse create the ideal from Donald Trump that women aren’t people to him. In the past 24 hours, at least eleven women have accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment or assault. … unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and believing that money and popularity would keep him safe from the public attaining the knowledge.
Both Donald and Hillary are seeing their numbers fall.
Tomorrow is the weekend, and with an opportunity for more campaigning, what will Monday’s news look like?
Tags: Donald Trump Hillary Clinton
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