“This isn’t just the fight of my life, it’s the fight of our lives — together — to save our country … Together we will make America strong again.” – Donald Trump in Charlotte, NC on August 18th
The future of America is at stake, and Donald Trump is the only clear choice when compared to Hillary Clinton, who will continue Obama’s agenda and introduce new and worse policies that will certainly exacerbate this current moment of crisis in America. Whatever flaws are associated with Trump, they pale in comparison to the machinations and malevolence behind the transformation Hillary s designing for America.
Donald Trump loves America, Her heritage and traditions. And Hillary Clinton obviously hates America and the U.S. Constitution and America’s founding principles.
Early this month, a fiercely disturbing and stomach-turning speech Hillary delivered to Brazilian bankers from Banco Itau was leaked, in which Hillary confesses that she “dreams” of a “hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders”, essentially ending U.S. sovereignty and our existence as an independent nation. She envisions a superstate rising from a merger of North, Central and South America.
Can’t everyone understand the damage this would do? America as She has stood for over two centuries and Her framework for Freedom under the U.S. Constitution would be ultimately and completely destroyed, along with the Founding Fathers’ vision of a place of never-ending all encompassing Liberty for all, and Hillary’s fellow Commie Travelers would be ecstatic.
With thousands of non-citizens found to be registered to vote in 95 counties and 38 cities across Pennsylvania and Virginia over the past few weeks, thanks to an American Civil Rights Union lawsuit, America once more sees the lengths the “progressives” and ruling elites will go to reach their goal, as they oppose photo ID laws in order to advance a globalist agenda at America’s expense. This alone represents an excellent reason to vote for Donald Trump, who favors photo ID laws, upholding existing immigration laws and utilizing E-Verify and intense scrutiny of immigrants from regions that breed Islamic terrorism.
The last chance to restore America is slipping away, as Donald Trump explained on Christian Broadcasting’s “Brody File” on September 9th: “I think this will be the last election if I don’t win … because you’re going to have people flowing across the border, you’re going to have illegal immigrants coming in and they’re going to be legalized and they’re going to be able to vote, and once that all happens, you can forget it.”
Paying $250,000 a person, a thousand homos listened to Hillary speak at the LGBT Gala at Cipriani Wall Street [and progressives call me “stupid”]. She called Trump supporters “the deplorables, the racists, and the haters, and the people who … think [Trump is] going to restore an America that no longer exists. … [Adding] “So, just eliminate them from your thinking.”
When Hillary and her plutocratic LGBT lovers laugh and mock Trump supporters, they are mocking the Silent Majority and the generation that brought America through the Great Depression and young American patriots of similar strength of character. They mock those Americans residing in red states like Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas and West Virginia, that have provided a disproportionate share of U.S. Armed Forces members who fought and died to guarantee Hillary’s freedom to receive $250 million dollars to mock them.
Even worse, without freedom of speech and freedom of religion, guaranteed and protected in the First Amendment to our Constitution, a path is cleared for government oppression and tyranny. And yet, Hillary Clinton has stated that she will present an amendment to the Constitution to abridge that right within thirty days of becoming President, in order to “stand up against mean and divisive rhetoric wherever it comes from.” Of course, Hillary and her “progressives” will define what is or isn’t “hate-speech.”
And while Hillary may not admit she’s here “to take away your guns”, touting “common sense” gun laws, she does promote suing gun manufacturers, if a gun made by them was used in a crime, despite being sold legally. This works against the 2nd Amendment by putting gun manufacturers out of business.
Donald Trump may not always articulate the subjects well, but he stands strong for life and the rights of the unborn child. He advocates for the right to “keep and bear arms and the entire Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution; and, he stands for law and order, which has brought him endorsements from the U.S. Border Patrol, the Fraternal Order of Police, the National Rifle association and one thousand Christian Evangelical pastors across America.
The latest batch of WikiLeaks emails has revealed a 2011 email conversation between Hillary’s Campaign Chairman John Podesta and John Halpin from the Center for American Progress. Halpin wrote that the conservative movement within the Catholic Church is “an amazing bastardization of the faith … They must be attracted to the … severely backwards gender relations …”.
It’s not a leap of logic to say that Hillary quite probably agrees with Halpin, since she suggested that Christians must change their religious beliefs and accept the expansion of abortion in 2015. Clinton stated: “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will … And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
One should note that Hillary supports partial birth abortions. She also wants U.S. taxpayers to subsidize this atrocious social ill.
Hillary’s agenda attacks the very foundations of U.S. Constitutional government. She is working to end the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution.
If Trump is “a gamble” as some pundits have suggested, I’ll take that gamble today, tomorrow and everyday forward over the known quantity of evil Hillary brings to the table.
In every moment of crisis in America’s history, our nation has had a moment of opportunity. Donald Trump represents that moment and our one best chance in decades to shake up the status quo in D.C. and restore American leadership domestically and around the world. He will fumigate the D.C. snake-pits and make the ruling elites writhe like a beast in the throes of death. He will halt Hillary’s attempts to oppress the American people and destroy the Constitution, and in so doing, he will have preserved freedom and liberty for all, our Children and their Children’s Children.
by Justin O Smith
Tags: 2016 election Donald Trump Hillary Clinton
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