America, the Promised Land of Liberty, must reject the lies and the false narratives presented to Her by Obama and the black nationalist fascists and nihilists of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the New Black Panthers who seek to undermine the rule of law and our republic. They blur the line between good and evil in a vile and reprehensible manner, they sacrifice justice for politics, and they justify the “revenge” murders of police officers, in their ignorant message of a divided America, “Black” America vs “White” America.
However, the majority of people in this wonderful country know there exists only one America filled with millions of people, just like John Quincy Adams, who fought the slave-holding majority in Congress until his old body and voice failed him. Americans recall the black soldiers in our wars for freedom, who bled along with their white brothers for the liberty of all people, black and white and yellow and red. And Martin Luther King, Jr. paved the way for all of us to join hands in brotherhood, one people and one nation under God.
After two black men were shot by police in the first weeks of July, one in Baton Rouge and one in Minneapolis, Black Lives Matter, largely funded by socialist billionaire George Soros, organized “peaceful” protests across the nation, raging against the police. But violence was repeatedly urged by many of the protest leaders and America’s usual self-serving race-baiters, and the bloodshed that soon followed is on Obama’s hands for having failed to call for calm earlier.
Racial politics are identity politics, the politics of division. They encourage one group, in this case the black community, to believe that the Democrats are the champions for black people against those who are “oppressing” them, and all too often of late, they have been the politics of hate.
Obama, the most partisan U.S. president in history, stated: “These are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.”
BLM marchers in Dallas chanted “Pigs in a blanket – fry ’em like bacon.”
Less than four hours after Louis Farrakhan, leader of the radical Nation of Islam and mentor to the New Black Panthers, released a video [5 p.m. July 7th], Micah Johnson, a black Army Veteran, murdered five Dallas policemen with an SKS 7.62mm rifle. During the ensuing standoff, Johnson told officers he was angry over recent police shootings and wanted to kill white people.
Speaking about white people as one entity, Farrakhan told viewers: “Every damn thing he got, he got it by being violent – killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. … and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!”
Three more policemen were murdered in Baton Rouge on July 17th by Gavin Long, a former Marine and a member of the Nation of Islam, who raged against “crackers” on Youtube. Long also defended the Dallas shooter [New York Daily News], saying, “It’s justice. You know what I’m saying.”
No, murdering innocent police officers, who were doing their jobs and protecting and serving the protesters in Dallas, is not “justice”.
This tone of “justice” was set on the day former Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philadelphia. Add Obama’s sympathy for this black fascist group and the media’s obsession with false narratives surrounding police shootings, and this spate of anti-police violence is no surprise.
Finally, after Baton Rouge, with his words oozing in sickening hypocrisy, Obama urged Americans to “temper our words and open our hearts”. This man is a real psycopath.
In January 2009 in a National Geographic documentary, King Samir Shabbaz, head of the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia, stated: “You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!”
According to Roland Fryer, Jr., Harvard Ph.d, who conducted a study of 1332 police shootings in ten large cities in California, Texas and Florida, “officers were more likely to fire their weapons without first having been attacked when the suspects were white”. Similar studies in ‘The Reverse Racism Effect’ and by researchers at Washington State University concur.The studies consider stressors and various levels of tense situations when the use of lethal force could have been justified. Officers were found to be 20% less likely to shoot if the suspects were black, in Houston.
But Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panthers aren’t interested in facts from anyone, because they are degenerate murderous groups, who target white people with intimidation and physical assaults, which reinforces the racist stereotypes that blacks are aggressive, assaultive and violent. They destroy far more than their credibility with these tactics, as they destroy their communities and entire cities, like Ferguson and Baltimore. And if black lives really mattered to them, they would be shooting the drug pushers and gang-bangers, who kill thousands of black people annually, instead of innocent police officers.
In nearly every recent case, a black person was shot by the police when they resisted arrest. If they had simply complied with the policeman’s lawful order, they might have gone to jail, but they wouldn’t have ended up in a casket.
Delivering some rousing truth at the republican National Convention on July 21st, Mark Burns, a black pastor from South Carolina, had the crowd cheering as he declared: All lives matter … That means black lives, white lives, Hispanic lives, Asian lives, Christian lives, Muslim lives – shout with me – all lives matter … And despite the color you was born with, here in America, the only colors that matter are the colors of red, white and blue!”
Over fifty years ago, with the strong advocacy of old white men such as Senator Everett Dirksen (R), America climbed on “to the sunlit path of racial justice”, but today’s black radicals missed class on the day Martin Luther King Jr.’s advocacy for “nonviolent direct action” and [sitting] “down together at the table of brotherhood” was taught. They cast a dark shadow on this path, and their racist progressive intolerance will only appear as a sad footnote in history.
Americans have been horrified by the mayhem and murder unleashed by BLM and the New Black Panthers, and we will not allow criminals running wild and racial division to be any part of America’s destiny. Deadly force cannot be the first instinct of the policeman when dealing with criminal suspects, if and when this occurs, no matter how nervous the situation, and the murders of police officers cannot happen anymore or anywhere, simply because the color blue is now perceived by some as anti-black. The next administration must target the BLM and the New Black Panther Party under anti-terrorism and organized crime laws [RICO Act], just as the KKK chapters of old were targeted, or it can watch as our society collapses and descends into survival of the fittest. When people’s lives are not protected, there is not any Liberty.
But if we really want racial harmony, what if we all simply followed God’s rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?
“Who has put wisdom in the mind? Who has given understanding to the heart?” __ Job 38: 35-36
Dallas Police Chief David Brown left us one bright moment amongst these tragedies, as he honored and expressed his love for the fallen Dallas Police Officers, quoting Stevie Wonder: “I’ll be loving you until the rainbow burns the stars out of the sky … Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream … Until the earth just for the sun denies itself … Until the day that you are me and I am you … Now ain’t that loving you.”
by Justin O Smith
Tags: BLM
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