Saul Alinsky, born in Chicago in 1909, was a radical activist, community organizer and author of “Rules for Radicals.” Although he died in 1972, it’s truly quite amazing to see the influence that his radical ideas of more than 40-years ago have had upon politicians, some of whom today are among the leaders of our country.
In his book, “Rules for Radicals,” Alinsky addressed the 1960s generation of radicals, and spelled out his views on organizing for mass power. Before getting into some of his “Rules” it’s important to know to whom he dedicated the book.
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”
If that didn’t get your attention let’s look at what Alinsky wrote in his opening paragraph of the book as to the purpose of his rules for radical organizers:
“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the ‘Haves’ on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”
As a master organizer, Alinsky influenced Hillary Clinton who chose his work as the topic for her Wellesley College thesis in 1969 entitled, “There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model” after having twice interviewed him. In her thesis, Hillary, according to The Boston Globe wrote, “Much of what Alinsky professes does not sound ‘radical.’… His are the words used in our schools and churches, by our parents and their friends, by our peers. The difference is Alinsky really believes in them and recognizes the necessity of changing the present structures of our lives in order to realize them.”
Barack Obama, who worked as a community organizer in the mid-80s referenced Alinsky in his books just a few years ago. Today we can see where Alinsky’s influence has played out in their careers, as he (Alinsky) described the role of the organizer “to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a ‘dangerous enemy.’”
Having set the stage to show how Obama has used Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and how Hillary is now using those rules in her campaign, there’s one more thing Alinsky knew was required when he created the blueprint for “How to Create a State,” that being that all 8-rules must be achieved to succeed. Let’s look at Alinsky’s 8-rules to determine if they are currently in play and how well they have or are succeeding today.
Rule #1: Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
Rule #2: Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
Rule #3: Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level, that way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
Rule #4: Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from their government. That way you’ll be able to create a police state.
Rule #5: Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing and Income)
Rule #6: Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school
Rule #7: Religion – Remove the belief in God from government and schools.
Rule #8: Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.
At this point, what you just read, written over 40-years ago should be sounding frighteningly familiar. What Alinsky did was simplify Stalin’s ideas for the implementation of communism in Russia, and Obama has already achieved almost every one of the 8-rules needed to create a government run “Social State.”
Pay attention to what Hillary has said about continuing Obama’s policies – meaning she’ll finish up the few aspects of some rules not yet achieved, and complete the plan. In every nation where this has been tried, the ultimate result has been the destruction of those nations.
As Voltaire stated in the 18th Century, “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” Is America ready to allow Alinsky’s Rules, and the plans of Obama and perhaps Hillary to be completed? Your vote in November will answer that question.
Tags: 2016 election Hillary Obama Saul Alinsky Socialism
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