A new commercial for Always brand feminine hygiene products absurdly features a man pretending to be a transgender woman, confusing real women everywhere.
The video ad for Always Infinity Pads with Flexfoam seems to either show a man or a trans person in its commercial pushing support of “all bodies.”
“No two bodies are the same. Some pads never got that message,” the commercial before claiming that their product “fits all bodies.”
The ad kicked off a discussion on Reddit titled “Always FlexFoam – do men use these?” which asks, “[W]hy would a man ever be part of this demographic?”
“This isn’t an inclusivity thing, this is a ‘you’re a biological man and have no need for this product’ thing,” the thread adds.
“Are you referring to the person in the purple shirt? Is that just a tall, gangly female?” a commenter asks.
The same actor appears in the background of a scene just before the ad concludes:
Always has not chimed in to clear up the questions.
But it would not be surprising if Always is falling for the anti-woman transgender agenda. Back in 2019, the company raised eyebrows when it removed the female symbol from its packaging.
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