Shouldn’t that be Open Letter? No; this is for patriot eyes and hearts alone.
I have been following your Tommy Robinson story since he was locked-up in May. I had not heard of him until my daughter, who is currently working in your country, told me about his outrageous imprisonment.
One thing leads to another. The YouTube computer algorithm has started feeding me a host of videos on England. Last night I watched a video called Last Night of The Proms 2012. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. It was magnificent.
I’ve been trying to reconcile the people I saw at The Proms with the people who have allowed a Home Secretary (your chief law enforcement officer – yes?) to swear his oath of office on the Koran. The Koran! The Koran with its Sharia law is anathema to centuries of English law and history. I realize that it’s probably impossible to get to know a country via YouTube (I have visited England only twice) but these two events just don’t want to compute.
So what are you going to do about it? Again from a distance, it appears to me that you are getting all of your English-based news reports from zombies on a stick. You seem to be terribly ill-informed.
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, so I tell you up front that, at root, I believe your problem is spiritual. You can’t beat something with nothing, and human nature does not allow a spiritual vacuum. You have for years pushed God out, and now Islam is rushing in. Resistance is apparently coming from only a handful of your people, foremost Tommy Robinson, who, for some reason or other, get it.
How many centuries has it taken Englishmen to build London? And yet you are letting it be taken away from you by a sub-population of predatory voters who have contributed little or nothing to building of the city, and use voting only to destroy democracy.
Islam means submit. If you value your lives, if you value your freedom, I recommend against it.
Whether you lose your freedom to the Caliphate, or to your own version of Vichy, matters little. You must act now, before it is too late, if it is not already too late.
History is littered with vanished nations and empires. But yours has given so much good to the world (not only good) that I hate to see you fall.
It is not for me to say what specific course of actions you should take to save yourselves; but I believe you must find your way back to your roots, including Christianity, and throw-off this modern politically correct secularism that is sucking the life out of you.
One place to start might be, if necessary, to acquire more knowledge of your history. How about any of the YouTube videos reenacting Queen Elizabeth I addressing the defenders of England at Tilbury? This is you heritage. Or go see the recent wonderful movie Darkest Hour. Rouse yourselves; awaken!
If you can’t, you can’t; if you won’t, you won’t. If this be the case I will sincerely mourn your passing. You are in my prayers.
Brother Bob
Link to Last Night of The Proms 2012:
Link to Elizabeth I at Tilbury with Helen Mirren:
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