I’M BACK!!! Happy New Year everyone!!! After a break for the Christmas & New Years, my show on the Blaze Radio Network is back and I am so excited to share it with you.
In the first show of 2017, I want to discuss new year’s resolutions with you because many of us have make them or are in a constant fight to become a better person. Well if you are making improvements I want to share the two questions you need to know because how you answer them will determine whether you will succeed or fail at them.
While I don’t plan on speaking about politics very much, I do want to share how politics operates in Ireland with you and explain the term opposition politics. This is they way politics works in Ireland, England and Europe and I want to know if you see any similarities. Politics over here is not about principles, it is about following your party 100% of the time whether they hold power or are in opposition.
I also catch up with some of the news I missed while on vacation including the painful and brain numbing speech by Meryl Streep and Megyn Kelly has left Fox News and gone to ABC. I also lay out an ambitious plan for the show in 2017 and shares what I will be focusing on for 2017 (Spoiler Alert: they involve principles, history and stories). I also share some stories I am working on and that I will be sharing in the near future.
Lastly I share the three big new year’s resolutions every American can work on in 2017 to help make America a better place and not one of them involves politicians, parties or elections.
Please check out my show for the Irish accent and stay for the principles and love and defence of American Exceptionalism. You can listen for FREE, ANYTIME by clicking directly on the links for Soundcloud, ITunes or Google Play.
I am also making some changes to our show boards section. In the past some have commented that they cannot make out my writing and the pictures are not 100% clear. So going forward I will be creating memes directly to avoid these issues as some folks have found these useful and easy to follow when listening to the show. Please see below this week’s boards.
In the meantime, please consider checking out this show as I know it will give you plenty to think about. Also please subscribe, like, comment and share this content with your family and friends. God Bless.
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