The great John McLaughlin, who ran “The McLaughlin Group” television show for 34 years, died this year. He left a huge gap in television commentary. My favorite part of this series was the show that he called “The McLaughlin Year End Awards.” He would do one show around Christmas and another around New Years. In tribute to McLaughlin, I present my choices for these awards. Today, I present Part 1 of the awards. Next week, I will provide Part 2.
Best Comeback
Al Bagdadi, the leader of ISIS. Thought to be incapacitated from war injuries, he now commands a military force that strikes targets throughout the world, garnering headlines every few weeks.
Best Photo Op
Any picture of Melania Trump with her step-daughter Ivanka. Who says that politics is show biz for the ugly?
Worst Photo Op
Including audio, Hillary Clinton with her cackling laugh. She should be pictured next to the Joker, Riddler, and the Penguin.
Best Politician
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Caught red-handed fixing the Democratic Primary race for Hillary Clinton, she resigned her position as Chair of the DNC and ended up working for Clinton. She was rewarded for her duplicity.
Worst Politician
Hillary Clinton. She has no political skills, but she ran for president, anyway. The Democrat voters should have predicted the outcome and chosen someone else to represent them.
Biggest Winner
America. With President Donald Trump, when enemies attack, we can fight back.
Biggest Loser
A tie between Anthony Weiner and James Comey. Weiner’s dubious texting got him in trouble with the law, separated from his wife, and possibly responsible for causing Hillary Clinton to lose the presidential election. As for Comey, in July, he exonerated Hillary Clinton. In October, he reversed himself. In November, he double reversed himself. In his effort to placate both sides of the political spectrum, he ended up making them all hate him.
Bummest Rap
Another tie. First, there is the overturned indictment of former Governor Rick Perry. Perry vetoed a bill that would have funded a DA office. The office then indicted him for the veto, as if using the veto is a crime. This office is also responsible for indicting former House Majority Leader Tom Delay. No wonder they were defunded. Next, there is the overturned conviction of former Governor Bob McDonnell. This was initiated by the Justice Department. The common thread is that Democrats with power abuse that power to attack prominent Republicans.
Capitalist Of The Year
Dinesh D’Souza. He was jailed for making a movie that made President Obama look bad. In jail, he got the inspiration to make a movie about corrupt politicians.
Enough Already
The attempts to censor global warming sceptics, first by saying that they do not exist, later by threatening to get them fired, then by suing their companies, now by threatening them with racketeering charges.
Fairest Rap
To New York when Ted Cruz denigrated them for having “New York Values,” which means liberal values. New York is certainly liberal.
Most Boring
The claim that just because the mass murderer was Muslim and shouting “Allahu Akbar” does not mean that he was an Islamic terrorist.
Most Charismatic
Bill Clinton. He sowed the seeds of Islamic Terror by ignoring the problem for eight years, took millions of dollars of bribes, then helped his politically incompetent wife’s failed presidential campaign, yet the people still love him. Why?
Most Defining Political Moment
In January, Iran threatened two US patrol boats that went off course and US Navy Lt. David Nartker decided to surrender for political reasons. This shows that our military has become politicized to the point that they think like wimpy politicians instead of warriors.
Most Original Thinker
Like him or not, presidential candidate Ted Cruz. He ran his campaign with humorous commercials. He allied with Donald Trump when it was advantageous. Seeing that he would not get a majority of convention delegates, he maneuvered to win a possible second vote. He gave a convention speech reminiscent to that of Ronald Reagan in 1976. He is probably the only one in Washington politics able to think outside the box.
Most Stagnant Thinker
Bernie Sanders, who does not know to lie and deny his socialist philosophy, unlike Hillary Clinton. Her knowing to lie in these circumstances shows her ability to adapt. Her adaptive ability shows that she is downright progressive.
Person Of The Year
President-elect Donald Trump. He pushed back against the pressure to be politically correct. He embodied a trait that most Americans used to have: moral courage. This is what the voters found so attractive in him.
Turncoat Of The Year
Barack Obama for visiting Japan and apologizing for nuking them in 1945. I am glad that we nuked them and won World War II. Obama apparently believes that it is better to lose a war than kill the enemy.
Worst Lie
Raul Castro accusing the United States of human rights violations when Castro’s Cuba is guilty of torturing prisoners, using children as prostitutes, and driving people to try to escape in shark infested waters.
Honorable Mention
Ted Cruz at the Republican Convention. By giving a speech during which he noticeably failed to endorse Donald Trump, he spoke truth to power.
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