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Congress, and consequently the entire Federal Government, has been increasingly dysfunctional for decades. Unfortunately eight years of the Obama Administration took the level of dysfunction to a “point of no return”. Democrats and RINO Republicans (Republican in name only) are equally at fault.

It is obvious that the Democrats and the Main Stream Media (MSM) are already painting a bright target on the chest and back of every Republican that is up for re-election in the mid-term elections in 2018.  What the President and Republicans do, or do not do between now and November 2018, will not change that.

I have written a number of articles where I said that the Democrats get up every morning with a daily message waiting for them with the specific Democrat Party talking points and marching orders for the day, and the Democrats all stick to those talking points and marching orders no matter what happens. The opposite is true for the Republicans. Some Republicans are actually trying to listen to their constituents and the rest (RINOs) are playing the “Washington Game” (how do I stay in office and how do I get more rich while I am here).

Elected members of Congress alone are not the entire “Washington problem”. Many people appointed to positions of power are also part of the “Washington problem”. Federal Judges who “legislate from the bench” and people like Jim Comey who use their position to assure that they continue to be an integral part of what they see as the “Washington Elite”. The Democrat’s comments and Comey’s testimony during the Congressional hearings on Wednesday, May 3rd were a perfect example of what is happening in Washington now. I watched part of the hearing while eating lunch and got so upset that I had to turn the TV off! One example of how ridiculous some of the things Comey said was his explanation of why Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Wiener were not prosecuted for mishandling classified documents. Comey said that the FBI had no way of knowing if Weiner read any of the classified documents Huma sent to the unsecured computer that she shared with Weiner. It was his (Comey’s) understanding that all Weiner did regarding the shared classified documents was “to print them for Huma”. Yes, Comey actually said that, as absurd as it was. He did the same regarding questions about Hillary and the rest of her staff’s mishandling of classified documents. He said that he did not believe the FBI could prove “intent” in the mishandling of classified documents!  REALLY!!! If Comey had even an ounce of integrity in his body he would have resigned and held a public press conference explaining why he resigned when he was ordered by Obama, through Loretta Lynch, to NOT attempt to build a prosecutable case against Hillary or any of her staff. UPDATE: JIM COMEY, FIRED BY PRESIDENT TRUMP, MAY 9, 2017. DRAINING THE SWAMP!

Two more perfect examples of the “Washington problem” are Tim Kaine and Bernie Sanders. I have written about the actions of these two before but it is important to keep people aware of the fact that they, and other people like them, are openly inciting violent anarchy in America! Senator, and VP candidate Tim Kaine recently stood before TV cameras and said, “Democrats must be willing to fight Republicans in the streets”.  Senator and recent Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders just completed a 10 day speaking tour around America calling for a “revolution”. This from a 75 year old declared Socialist who has never had a job in the private sector except for being a “community organizer”. He has spent almost all of his adult life in politics on a local and national level, and gotten very rich along the way!  I have a simple question for Kaine, Sanders, and all their supporters. Do you really want to start a revolution in America and “fight Republicans in the street”? I, and I am sure millions of other Americans like me, really do not think that you do!

It is inarguable that Congress does not remotely resemble what our Founding Fathers planned for it to be. The Founding Fathers believed that elected officials should serve America out of a sense of patriotism. They should go to Washington, do their job and then go back home to their family and personal businesses. THEY WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BECOME PROFESSIONAL CAREER POLITICIANS!  ESPECIALLY NOT POLITICIANS THAT PROMOTE VIOLENCE!

Why did I say in the title of this article, “SHUT IT DOWN October 1”?  Because I am now convinced that shutting the Federal Government down is the only way to begin to fix it (other than an actual revolution).

There are two points regarding a Federal Government shut down that are important to know:

  1. Critical services continue to function during a shut down. Anyone who says things like old people will not get their social security checks if we shut the government down is an absolute liar!
  2. Government employees are still paid when they are not working due to a shut down! This should not happen!

President Trump, please do not agree to anything Congress proposes that does not meet the mandate you were sent to Washington to do. Shut the Federal Government down October 1, 2017 and keep it shut down as long as necessary to force needed changes (no more Federal budget “continuing resolutions”). Use your “phone and pen” to conduct Washington’s business until you are convinced that Congress may be willing to actually do what it is supposed to do. Direct your Cabinet Secretaries to cut their departments like you proposed for them to do, not what Congress wants. Stop trying to “fix” Obamacare. Let it collapse and then replace it. INSIST on a Constitutional Amendment establishing TERM LIMITS for all members of the U.S. Congress and Senate! And please keep tweeting regardless of who suggest that you stop. You are communicating directly with Americans and not allowing the corrupt, deranged Main Stream Media to “filter” what you say! I am absolutely convinced that there are enough people in America now who have “had enough of the Washington problem” and will fully support you ANY WAY THAT IS NEEDED to fix the “Washington problem”.

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