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Grassroots activists and conservatives are launching a campaign today.  It is “OPERATION CLEAN HOUSE” and the primary objective of this campaign is the firing of Reince Preibus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, the firing of the Board of Directors of the Republican National Committee, and the firing of Reince Preibus’s staff.  This effort is being aimed at the 168 RNC Members.

The 168 members of the RNC have the power to fire and replace all members of the RNC Board and including Preibus and his staff.  The members are comprised of 1) State Chairman and 2) National Committeewoman and Committeeman from each state.  (A complete list per State is available at  Additionally there is representation from the US Territories.  The campaign is designed to have voters send handwritten letters to each of their State Chairman, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman asking for the terminations.

A similar effort was undertaken in 1976 after Gerald Ford’s landslide defeat to Jimmy Carter.  The Republican National Committee Board of Directors under the Direction of Mary Smith were fired as well as Smith’s staff.  This action, according to historians, ushered in the Presidency of Ronald Reagan and a robust economic recovery.

This current effort is being undertaken for two purposes.  1)  To put new leadership in place before the next election cycle, and 2)  To end the now corrupt practices of the RNC.  The RNC has been unable to put forward a winning candidate for President in eight years, and, it appears according to polling data, that Donald Trump is going to suffer a landslide defeat.

This campaign begins at a time when rumors of a replacement for Donald Trump abound. Whether a replacement becomes a reality is questionable.  However the message of the campaign is clear:  CLEAN OUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

This article is part of a two part story.


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