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Urban Dictionary: Obamaite  – A blind follower of the prophet Obama. A person who pays no attention to his socialist policies or his radical associations with people like Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and will refute any negative claim about him, even if it is fact. He will say that you are smearing Obama, and that Obama never plays those political games.

Based on my observations the “Obamaites” have little to no concern that what they are doing is unethical, criminal, or even treasonous

“Obamaites” come from many segments of our population. Two things make them “Obamaites”:

  • An obsession with all things Obama.
  • An extreme hatred for any political belief that opposes Obama’s political views.

“Obamaites” usually fit into one of the following categories:

  • They are still working in various Federal Government jobs. These are Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Obama “holdovers” that have not been fired yet. Many of them are in positions of authority. These “Obamaites” are especially unconcerned that what they are doing is unethical, criminal or even treasonous. The number of “Obamaites” still working in Federal Government positons is slowly being reduced. It is being reduced slowly because of the depth and size of the “Washington Cesspool”.
  • Former Clinton and Obama Administration officials that have become public figures like Brennen and Clapper who are spending as much time in front of TV cameras as they can attacking everything Trump. Note: Brennen and Clapper were typical Obama Administration staffers. They lied to Congress under oath about their Department’s activities on more than one occasion.
  • Members of organized groups like “Antifa” and “BLM” with an expressed desire to destroy America and make it part of the “one world order”, and a willingness to accomplish this by any means necessary.
  • Elected officials whose only interest is self-aggrandizement regardless of the effect of their actions on America.
  • “Sheeple” – People who blindly follow the political entity that promises them the most freebies from the government.

Those of us that believe in the Constitution and America must do three things to assure that the “Obamaites” do not win.

  • Turn off and stand against the Main Stream Media.
  • Stay active politically to assure that there is a big turnover in elected officials in the November 2018 elections.
  • Give the Trump Administration the time it needs to drain the “Washington Cesspool”.

We can defeat the “Obamaites” if we perservere!

iPatriot Contributers


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