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But it’s fake.

I know, sad face.

But what isn’t sad is how funny Malik Obama is. He must be really angry with his half-brother the former President because he has taken trolling Obama to a new level.

First, he came out in support of Donald Trump.

Then he developed into one of the most rabidly supportive Trump voices on the Internet.

Following that he seems to have embraced the alt-right. Just a glance at his Twitter feed shows that he writes using a lot of alt-right language and posts pictures commonly used on the alt-right.

For example, here’s Malik posting the ever popular Pepe the Frog meme while also using the term Kekistan which is a popular alt-right term from Reddit.

Now he hands all of America a Tweet saying he found Barack’s birth certificate… and it’s from Kenya!?!? Amazing, right?

Sadly, the UK’s Daily Mail did a little research and found that the certificate was a fake. It first made the rounds on the Internet back in 2009 when it was put up for sale on eBay by one Lucas Smith. eBay eventually removed the page because it has a policy against selling “purported government documents.

The Daily Mail’s revelation that the document was a forgery did not make Malik happy and he wasn’t afraid to tweet about it…

Do yourself a favor and follow Malik Obama on Twitter. His feed is full of the hilarious and the bizarre and it’s sure to make even the most boring of days a wee bit more entertaining.


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