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It’s hard to tell which came first, the anger or the self immersion in a flawed doctrine. In either case, we find that people with liberal tendencies are easily angered to the point of violence. No, this is not an exclusive or definitive statement. And yes, I’m sure any liberal minded person can find anecdotal evidence showing that some conservatives also get mad.

In general, however, it is the liberals who find themselves unable to verbally justify their feelings and anger themselves with the lack of such ability. They also lean toward physical expression, aka violence, when the don’t get their way. Note the demonstrations riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Charlotte and many other bastions of liberalism. Be aware of the anti-Trump rallies vs. Tea Party gatherings.

Another corollary is the less education and/or lower intellect an individual has the greater the tendency toward liberalism. Also, less education breeds a propensity toward violence to resolve conflicts. (redundancy noted) The latter subset tends to gather in cliques (sometimes called clubs) to defend themselves against the world at large. For the outsiders, the nomenclature is gangs.

Removed from the formula are people with IQs of less than 65 for whom learning ability is limited. These people tend to be the happiest because they are not involved, unaware and generally under regular, if not constant, care. This societal division needs only to have basic life necessities and some minor wants met. When thus satisfied, there is a state of euphoria. However, tantrums and rampage are also their alternatives when wants are not satisfied.

Democrats want to limit education choice to indoctrination centers public institutions where learning is directed from history to “new history” and reading assignments are restricted to works that promote liberal, Marxist and socialist ideologies. It is difficult if not impossible to instill education into the minds of despondent care-for-naughts. Thus, our public schools teach to the level of the less capable rather than asking them to work and apply innate abilities or potential to the maximum. Doing this enables those without will or drive to be “equal” to those who do want to learn. To be liked and wanted, they bend towards the warmth of the collective. The concept holds back the best of our youth while catering to or sanctioning behavior of all else.

Here is where the anger begins. Complacency in the classroom translates directly to low work ethic and to boredom. The acceptance of mediocrity begets low will and drive. Desire for betterment is a human nature and cannot be subdued. Desire without drive while expecting equality or supremacy without effort breeds anger. That anger translates into crowd or gang mentality and associated violence ensues.

The government under-educated but indoctrinated youth of today expect “a living wage” without the skills, knowledge or work ethic that is required for survival. Their upbringing by government sponsored authority figures (teachers) supposes upward mobility simply for being.

Flipping burgers, product production and assembly lines are rote performance and people are easily and economically replaced by robotics. Today’s technology leaves the lesser educated unqualified and at a significant and growing disadvantage. Having slacked their way through the education system from kindergarten to high school graduation, the ill prepared now want a free ride through the college system. They expect it, they believe they merit it FREE because of all that has been given them to that point.

Studies show that fully 1/3 of the current junior college freshmen students require remedial classes in the basics they should not have passed in high school. To carry this a step further, teachers in the New York public education system may not be required to pass a 12th grade reading test. The literacy test raised alarms because just 46 percent of Hispanic test takers and 41 percent of black test takers passed it on the first try, compared with 64 percent of white candidates. While a federal judge ruled in 2015 that the test was not discriminatory, faculty members say a test that screens out so many minorities is problematic.

When only 64% of those charged with increasing the knowledge of students, be they white European, Hispanic, Asian or Arabic can pass a test designed for high school seniors, it seems to me that we need better educated teachers.

“Having a white workforce really doesn’t match our student body anymore,” offered a Pace University professor of education. When 36% of the college educated white teachers do not have the literacy skills expected of a high school senior, but they show best of class, it is racial discrimination. So here we have a professor of education who advocates for lower standards of education for the very authorities to whom we entrust our children. The justification? Race. Race is the wild card for anything a liberal cannot defend with reason.

One has to wonder about the academic score for this “professor of education”.

So, next time you encounter an person of undue anger and hostility, please remember he or she is probably a product of limited education and or mental capacity – no matter what degree that person flaunts.

As the late Paul Harvey might say, “NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY”.

iPatriot Contributers


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