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Think about this for a second.

We have 330 million people in our country, and we have to choose between only two people for President.  One is a woman under criminal investigation by the FBI; the other is somebody who has never been in a political office before, and a lot of people wonder if they can and should trust him.

Does anybody see a problem here?  Or better yet.   Is this really the best that we can do?

Do you know what?

The solution is easy as pie.

There is only one thing that we need to change about our elections that will fix all this.

Require candidates to get a majority of the vote before they can be declared the winner.

Now if we have three candidates running in the same election, a person can win with as little as 34% of the vote.  Not only is that stupid, it’s undemocratic.

But wait.  We had 17 Republican candidates running and Donald Trump easily won over all of them.

Actually no.

You need to ask how many states did he win with over 50% of the vote.

When you have 17 candidates running, you shouldn’t ask people to choose one.  You ask people who they can support.  I could have been happy with any of about 8 of them.

The Republicans should have allowed people to vote for as many candidates as they like.  That way you combine who people like with who they don’t like.  You would have gotten a far different result than what you got now.  And I say that as a Trump supporter.

Under this new scenario, we don’t have to have Socialists running as Democrats, and Tea Party people running as Republicans, and Trump wouldn’t even have to bother running with a party at all.

Well, too late now.  Why didn’t I say something about this a lot sooner?

Actually I did.  Several times.  But why would anybody listen to me?

But the election is still 5 months away.  There is plenty of time to change this if people want to.

This might actually be the best chance we will ever have to change this.  There is enough anger and frustration out there over the two choices, and particularly over the fact that a third party candidate can’t win and will only ensure a victory for the person fewest people want.

Anybody listening?


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