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As a nation we are seriously divided socially, politically and racially.

If any American doubts that this post modern culture is not in fact being corrupted and disrupted by the democrat party, liberal progressive ideologues, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, a majority of the media, BLM, antifa radicals, anarchists, and now professional athletes, you either refuse to face reality or are part of the problem. This of course is not to say that those of us on the right or in the middle, who hold different beliefs, have all the right answers. Of course we are not sacrosanct and above reproach, but you must admit most of the unrest, civil strife and moral turpitude today are found on the Left.

Some believe the corruptor’s disruptors are winning the culture war. They have who they believe, in their ideologically depraved and narrow minds a true enemy, a nemesis. So they will seek any opportunity to engage their enemy, who in this case happens to be the current president. They will employ any means necessary, even violence and hate-filled rhetoric, to undermine and hopefully destroy the Trump presidency, and as I have written before with consistency, remove all vestiges of Western Civilization.

Their latest effort began with Charlottesville, which has now become a catchphrase for the enemies of the president and the West. Pretty soon the voices of corruption disruption, while ramping through the streets, will shout “Remember Charlottesville” as a rallying cry, mark my words. Just about every day one of Mr. Trump’s detractors will mention Charlottesville as part of their criticisms on any domestic issue being discussed.

They’re like sharks circling their prey waiting for the right moment to strike, these corruptors disruptors. And regrettably sometimes Mr. Trump serves them up a bit of red meat. Recently the president spoke at a rally in Alabama in support of senate nominee Luther Strange. Mr. Trump stood before a large audience of mostly supporters and spoke on many issues. Then as is this president’s mood swings, at the drop of a hat knowing the assembled are just waiting for some good old lambaste, he engaged the National Football League and the controversy involving players kneeling before the flag during the national anthem.

By now we should all be accustomed and ready to expect almost anything from this president and for those assembled at the rally and at home watching on their TV’s, Mr. Trump did not disappointment. He lashed out and in typical form asked the cheering crowd, “wouldn’t you like to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a bitch off the field right now- he’s fired”, to the roar of the crowd.

Following the president’s comments, you could hear the outcry from almost every corner of the nation, athletes, the media, NFL owners and the commissioner, and politicians. All were outraged by the ugly words out of the mouth of a president, some even suggesting that racism was the reason, as most of the NFL players are black.

I would to en extent tend to agree with some commentators in the media who voiced their objections, asserting that there are more important issues, some of grave consequence that the president should have been concentrating on at the Alabama rally. However, in the midst of all the tragedy, death and devastation that has befallen the nation and the world over the last several weeks, will these same voices also apply similar standards to this bunch of overpaid professional athletes who while they protest so called police brutality and systemic racism, their contemporaries are on the other side of the world sacrificing their lives for America and the flag. Yes, that same flag this bunch of no account punks are protesting, and in most cases would not have the courage to defend it and their country.

iPatriot Contributers


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