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I watched, with much interest, the RNC this past week and there were a lot of the leftwing media ready, willing, and practicing their particular brand of “not really news”.

I took special issue with the constant ideas put forth on Mr. Trump’s being an “outsider” and inexperienced – from never before holding any political office and the mention of the businesses which failed in his past.

America, our Founding Fathers made sure for us, is a nation of Citizen Legislators, people who don’t have to have anything other than the desire to serve the people, for make no mistake, THEY are OUR servants. Not the opposite, as much as this administration has attempted to change that,it simply takes a reading of the Constitution to make it clear.

Our Founders were businessmen, farmers, lawyers,(from a range of enterprises), and were a citizen legislative body. All had their various reasons for service to America, did not always agree with one another, but they had the one thing needed to be in Congress; the desire to serve and to make this America a great home for their constituency and their families.

One of the things all people should remember about Mr Trump and President Obama is that the ONLY “real” job, and he didn’t do that well, that Obama held was as a Senator. No other job, unless Community Organizer to recruit others to undermine America can be called a job. Mr Trump on the other hand has something sorely lacking in our society today; the Work Ethic. He’s always worked. He may have failed a few times, but it didn’t knock him out. He kept going, he took care of his family and apparently has passed that same lesson on to his children.

Whatever you may think of Donald Trump, whether you vote for him or not, isn’t what I’m trying to get across.

What I am saying is that the disparagement of his so-called inexperience means nothing because in America WE the People are the government.

A nation of Citizen Legislators.


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