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We choose our leaders based on what they tell us on the Campaign trails and we diligently believe what they promise to do. But once they step in the corridors of power, the status quo changes. They turn into repressive governments, working for self-interests, while enacting laws that marginalize and keep the rest of us behind. They squander tax-payers money by investing in projects which don’t support society or simply donate the money to organizations that work against humanity. They allow the one percent to consolidate wealth and launch an all-out economic war and medical war against the vast majority.

The trend has been creeping upon us, threatening to destroy the political, economical and cultural social structures of democracy.

Obama promised change; to create jobs and close Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Instead he encouraged companies to leave the United States wiping out the middle-class. As he leaves office in January, Guantanamo Bay is still alive and running.

We perceived Obama’s words for change as positive reform, but the change he meant, was the genesis of wars and the destruction of foreign countries.

He jumped on the globalist bandwagon; Climate Change and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – or TTIP between US and Europe. These were issues he never campaigned for during the election but nonetheless relentlessly pursued with ado and confusing urgency.

The Climate Change agenda is in slow motion with growing opposition from credible scientists that it is a hoax to enrich private companies.

Obama pushed the TTIP with an aim to seal the agreement before end of his term. He promised the agreement would create more jobs for Europe. The European commission said, TTIP would boost the EU’s economy by €120 billion, the US economy by €90 billion and the rest of the world by €100 billion. Dean Baker of the US think-tank Center for Economic and Policy Research argued that the economic benefits per household would be relatively small. The agreement was criticized and opposed by unions, charities, and environmentalists in Europe. The Guardian noted the criticism of TTIP’s “undemocratic nature of the closed-door talks”, “influence of powerful lobbyists”, TTIP’s potential ability to “undermine the democratic authority of local governments”, and described it as “the most controversial trade deal the EU has ever negotiated”. An EU direct democracy mechanism, the European Citizens’ Initiative, which enables EU citizens to call directly on the European Commission to propose a legal act, acquired over 3.2 million signatures against TTIP and CETA within a year.

TTIP would have given companies legal right to sue European governments if a company lost profits, or if government enacted laws that blocked companies from making profits. In that context, corporations would gain a legal right to regulate democratic European governments. The mainstream media remained absent in the debate. The agreement still lingers and hopefully Mr Trump will declare it dead.

One wonders why President Obama would pursue an agreement that encroaches on the people. Long ago, good leaders built their country, loved their people and stayed and stood ground against oppression. Today, our leaders are the tyranny that oppresses, exploits and controls the population. They don’t stand up against injustice, but encourage the parasitic mentality of corporations. The political platform should be replaced by people who can stand up against traitors.

The problem, is us, the people. We allow the abuse, the lies, and manipulations. We accept the misconducts and exploitations by our governments. We are not paying attention. We are focusing on the wrong things like watching sports, and Kardashians on reality television instead of concentrating on important issues that affect our lives.

We should demand accountability from our governments. We cannot allow our leaders to live in comfort and luxury, on our tax dollars, while diminishing our standard of living, robbing our children and grand-children of a dignified future. We must constantly remind our leaders that they work for us.

The globalist agendas are kept sinister, secretive and mysterious. They are not explained to the voters and not many voters take time to understand what these clandestine agreements mean. This is because the agreements are intently made to fraud and dupe the people. I suggest that any leader who wishes to join the globalists bandwagon, should first turn to his people in a referendum and explain what he hopes to achieve with a global agreement, and for what benefit is the agreement to the voters. Let’s learn to ask tough questions, keep these leaders on tip-toes until they feel the heat of the seat they inherited.

Mr. Trump won the election. It is still too early to judge his performance as a leader.

You don’t have to change the world but you can change things for you, and for the people around you, and in doing so, live a dignified life.

Take your complaints to your local representatives, write to them, email or contact them through Social media. They work for you and speak on your behalf in Congress or Parliament.

Obama’s two terms have shown us that we cannot rely on a single man to make our lives better. It falls upon us to wake up, and make the changes we desire for a better life. That means keeping tabs on your local politicians and encouraging your neighbors to do the same. Don’t let up until you achieve positive change. Make the politicians work for you. They are well paid to work for you. Use them effectively.

Traitors from Inside Out By M.M. JustineM.M. Justine is a Business Executive and the Author of “The Traitor’s Trilogy”. She is widely travelled; lived and worked on four continents. She writes fiction from facts to educate the unknowing, depicting the turbulent world we live in. For more information, visit

Traitors from Inside Out
By M.M. Justine
Authorhouse Publishing
Published 02/07/2014
ISBN: 978-1-49180-143-7
320 pages
Softcover $20
E-book $5

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